All SART battery replacements will need to be carried out by em-trak in the UK.
The standard battery replacement service costs $130, plus the return shipping cost.
We require acceptance of the cost and the unit serial number to proceed. The service is treated as a non-warranty repair so once we have received approval we will issue a REP reference number and provide the em-trak shipping address.
Alternatively, if the SART is assigned to an IMO vessel, we can provide an advance replacement unit. This service costs $200 (plus shipping) and the unit comes with a 3 year warranty. Please note the following additional conditions for this service:
- a photo of the original AIS SART100 ratings label is required for validation
- once the request is validated we will ship the replacement unit (subject to payment or agreed credit terms)
- once the replacement unit is received, the original SART will need to be shipped back to em-trak within 30 days. em-trak will invoice your account for the full cost of a new SART if the original SART is not received in this time
All replaced batteries have a lifetime of 7 years.